translations is a series deriving from KUBO’s father’s 1981 thesis that he completed during his time at the General Motors Institute in Flint, Michigan. The exhibition includes 12 prints of the original graphs with accompanying animations. KUBO has recontextualized the original graphs into visual mind maps, which display a reconciliation with her personal history. When entering the space, there is a two channel stereo sound piece of the artist’s rendition on what she believes reverse osmosis sounds like, which is the basis of her father’s thesis. In addition, KUBO has an overhead projector that displays single acetate prints that will change throughout the exhibition duration.

translations is a series deriving from Kubo’s father’s 1981 thesis that he completed during his time at the General Motors Institute in Flint, Michigan. The exhibition includes 12 prints of the original graphs with accompanying animations. Kubo has recontextualized the original graphs into visual mind maps, which display a reconciliation with her personal history. When entering the space, there is a two channel stereo sound piece of the artist’s rendition on what she believes reverse osmosis sounds like, which is the basis of her father’s thesis. In addition, Kubo has an overhead projector that displays single acetate prints that will change throughout the exhibition duration.

