jidoka (じどうか), is an immersive three-channel video and quadraphonic sound installation that explores the sentiment of intelligent automation. KUBO maps elements of place, memory, and mechanics into a desolate cadence. This is my home.

The construction of quilted shop towels dominate the space with its flesh colored tones of red and beige. The quilt preserves the memories of mechanical labor through visual stains and scent. The patterns of the towels are mapped images of the houses I’ve lived in and placed within the quilt in geographic perspective. Each location is marked on the back side with their relative coordinates.

video animation, three CRT tvs, quadraphonic sound, quilted shop towels, ratchet straps, milk crates, children’s shoes

video animation, CRT tv, quadraphonic sound, milk crates, children’s shoes

*headphones are encouraged

*headphones are encouraged

*headphones are encouraged